Being informed is knowing both sides of any story.
Below is only the conclusion of a much longer but interesting article to ponder whether for or against GMOs. If this sample interests you, see the link below to read the entire article at your leisure.
GMOs and natural selection: Nature doesn’t give a crap about you
by Fallacy Man
Posted on June 12, 2017
To sum all of this up, nature is not your friend, and the fact that something evolved naturally does not in any way shape or form guarantee or even suggest that it is good for you. Species evolve the traits that are beneficial for them, not the traits that are beneficial for you, and natural selection has produce some of the most horrifying things imaginable. Further, artificial selection and other breeding methods (e.g. mutagenesis) also do not guarantee a safe product. All of them involve altering the genetic code, and that always has the risk of unintended consequences. Genetic engineering is different from these methods in only one important way. Namely, the changes that it makes to the genetic code are more precise. So if we are going to worry about an unintended consequence from changing the genetic code of an organism, surely we should be the least concerned about the method that makes the fewest and most precise changes (i.e., GE).
Read the entire article here:
Thanks to Gene McAvoy, our 5-county, UF/IFAS Veggie Agent, for emailing this article.