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Friday, June 30, 2017

Hot Peppers, what to do with them


Cayenne peppers will have the tops cut off, then cut open, seeds removed (with plastic bag over my hand), dried, then crushed for cayenne powder.


Jalapenos tops cut off, pepper is cut in half, seeds removed (with plastic bag over my hand), stuffed with cheddar spread then baked until the cheese melts. Sometimes they get a whisked egg bath then rolled in whole wheat panko bread crumbs before baking. Much healthier than the deep fried version.


Hot Hungarian yellow wax pepper will be sliced and marinated in vinegar then used in a salad. I don't use a plastic bag or remove the seeds for this one however if you are sensitive, use the bag and remove the seeds.


Habanero peppers will be prepared several ways. Snap off the green portion of the pepper and toss a few in a freezer zip bag to use whole when cooking soups; put in a jar with carrots and onions then cover with boiling vinegar to make hot vinegar; or slice open, remove seeds, chop then dry and use as pepper flakes.


Marinating Habaneros shown above.