Lettuce Production
High temperatures causes low germination rates.
Bacterial Leaf Spot is "incurable" at this time.
Warm nights = flowering.
In South Florida, no broccoli April to November inclusive.
High night temperatures = flower drop (hot set ability)
Irregular Ripening of Tomatoes
WHITEFLY nymphs. Symptoms can disappear if whitefly is controlled.
Whitefly cycle is 19-21 days.
Symptoms include: incomplete ripening, white internal tissue.
Managing: keep whitefly under control, metalic mulches, rotate types of sprays.
Yellow Shoulder on Tomatoes
Not related to whitefly. Caused by exposure to high temperatures during maturation.
Gray Wall on Tomatoes
Not related to whitefly. Caused by: high nitrogen, low potassium, moist soil, high humidity, temperature fluctuations, low light, soil compaction.
Whitefly and thrips are vectors for virus as well as disease.
Production of Edible Flowers in Protected Culture (greenhouse)
Seed: August 1
Transplant: mid September
First harvest: early January
Studied plants with best results:
Amazon Neon, Dianthus Barbatus, CHERRY
Borage officinalis
Marigold, Calendula officinalis, ALPHA
Nasturtium, Tropaeolum majus, NIGHT AND DAY
Viola, Viola tricolor, TRICOLOR
Not recommended:
Chamomile, Matricaria recutita
Snow Peas, Pisum sativum
Organic only for eating: seeds, soil, fertilizer, sprays.
Sprays: Soap, Bt, Copper fungicide
Short shelf life: up to 7 days maximum