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Friday, September 6, 2013

RECAP: Tomato Conference in Naples FL

University of Florida is working on a new tomato for growers, a compact growth habit (CGH) variety.
  • The plants are determinate
  • They are planted on a 10% slope to improved drainage 
  • They can be planted at a higher density, 24"
  • Do not require pruning
  • Do not require staking
  • Have two significant harvests
TYLCV = Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
  • Carried by whitefly
  • Destroy tomato residue
  • Use reflective mulch
  • Use resistant varieties
  • Organic control: Insecticidal soap
  • Use Spinosads for thrips and caterpillar
Common weeds help with white fly because they recover and don't pass on the virus. Bidens are actually GOOD. Leave some weeds in the perimeter of the garden.

Black nightshade carries TYLCV. This is bad. Photo below is black nightshade.

Cold temperatures control white fly.
Virus travels up to 3 miles.
Whitefly travels up to 1.5 miles.

Thrips are becoming a serious threat to tomatoes.