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Friday, December 29, 2017

Leafy Greens May Prevent Memory Loss

Thank you Gene McAvoy for sending this out...

Leafy Greens May Prevent Memory Loss

Alice G. Walton

Most people by now know the value of a healthy diet for so many physical and mental ailments—but it’s always nice to have confirmation in the form of new studies. This week, a paper in Neurology, the journal of the American Academy of Neurology, reports that eating one to two servings of leafy greens per day is linked to a significantly reduced risk of cognitive decline over time. In fact, the advantage that greens-eaters had over people who rarely consumed them was the equivalent to being 11 years younger, cognitively speaking.

The researchers analyzed data from almost 1,000 participants whose average age was 81 at the beginning of the study. None had dementia. They asked them about their diets including how often they ate greens like spinach, kale, collards and other greens, and lettuce, and divided them up into fifths according to how many greens they ate on average. A serving was considered to be a half-cup of cooked dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, etc.), or a cup of salad greens (lettuce).

The team tracked the participants for up to 10 years, giving them tests of memory and cognition each year.

The results were striking: Participants in the highest fifth, who ate about 1.3 servings of greens/day had a statistically significant reduction in the rate of developing cognitive decline compared to those in the lowest fifth, who ate about 0.1 servings per day. Crunching the numbers, the team calculated that it was the equivalent of being about 11 years younger.

"Adding a daily serving of green, leafy vegetables to your diet may be a simple way to foster your brain health," said Rush University study author Martha Clare Morris in a statement. "Projections show sharp increases in the percentage of people with dementia as the oldest age groups continue to grow in number, so effective strategies to prevent dementia are critical."

The caveat is that the study was observational, and relied on people’s self-reports of their diets, which may or may not be totally accurate. A true clinical study would randomize people to eat a leafy green-heavy diet or one devoid of greens—which wouldn’t be very ethical. The researchers did correct for other variables, but still, it’s just a correlation, and can’t show causation.

That said, the study is one of many that have found that certain foods contribute strongly to our neurological and cognitive health. A diet based largely on plants, including greens and other non-green veggies, along with fruits, whole grains, fish, beans, and nuts—i.e. a Mediterranean style diet—has been shown time and time again to be the healthiest around.

And the MIND Diet, developed by Morris years ago, is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH diets, and has been linked to cognitive health, including a reduction in Alzheimer’s risk. (Its main difference is that it calls for berries over other fruits, which haven’t generally been linked to cognition; berries, on the other hand, have been linked to neurological health in numerous studies.)

There are lots of logical mechanisms behind the connection between leafy greens and cognition—carotenoids, lutein, and folate have all been shown to protect the brain in different ways, and probably act in concert. “These nutrients for which green leafy vegetables are a rich source," the team writes, "may have independent mechanisms of action that synergistically protect the brain.”

Leafy greens may not be a cure-all, but they're very likely a powerful component of a risk-reducing diet. And they don't have any side-effects. So grab some kale or collards—you'll be serving your brain well.
