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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Bulbine Frutescens: Bee Friendly

Some vegetable crops require bees that is why I have two large bee gardens next to my fruit and vegetable garden. When you see a few dozen bees on just a few plants you are hosting bee heaven. I can only weed my bulbine in the early morning or late in the day when the bees are not hard at work. These are lovely plants, however it might take a bit to get used to their look.

The base reminds me of onion leaves (NOT EDIBLE) however the flowers set them apart. Orange and yellow beauties that attract lots and lots of bees.

Bulbine average about 20" high and wide and should be spaced about the same distance apart. They can tolerate down to 25ยบ, are drought tolerant, and don't require fertilizing. They take full sun quite well in my garden however it could also work in part shade. Clumps spread by rhizome similar to how dollar weed spreads. Dead head for more blooms (remove old flowers).

I have read that there might be a short summer dormant period in Southern Florida and will be able to voice my opinion on this later this year. So far, this is one of my favorite bee plants in the garden.

The flowers work in flower arrangements. I only use the flowers that are drooping to the ground.