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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Faux Steak Sandwich from the garden

Being from Allentown and going to school in Philadelphia, I know what a good Philly steak sandwich tastes like.

Here is my South Florida Garden Veggie version:

Saute 15 sliced perennial onions until just about translucent and turning slightly brown. I use olive oil over medium heat. You need enough sliced onion that would fit crammed into a quart zip bag.


Halve, de-seed and de-stem about 10 small sweet green peppers (mine are on their third harvest and they get smaller as they go on) then slice. You need enough peppers that they would fit crammed into a quart zip bag.


Peppers freeze nicely if you prep them and put in a freezer bag for later.  No pretreatment required.

Add peppers to pan, add a bit more oil if needed, and saute until tender. Turn heat off and place Velveeta slices over the sauted veggies, cover for a few minutes, stir. We serve family style with the pot right on the table with fresh rolls. The secret to a great faux steak sandwich is the ROLL. The best by far are from Publix here in Florida.

Make sure to have all the condiments: ketchup, pickles, and yes I learned to eat them with mustard. 

Read more about how we grow Perennial/Egyptian/Walking Onions here.