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Monday, March 13, 2017

Bulk Mint Tea

I drink a LOT of tea.

This is a dried blend of orange, spearmint, apple, peppermint, lemon, strawberry, chocolate, and Kentucky mints. The mint is dry because I harvested a very large load and could not use it all at once. This recipe works for fresh mint as well.

Dried mint or fresh mint can be used.

Stuff your tea maker with leaves and stems. Mine is a Teavana and have used these for many, many, many years.


Pour very hot water over and prepare other food.


My Teavana brewer sits on top of a glass and only releases liquid. I love this thing and have TWO of them. Store the liquid in the refrigerator until you need to make some bulk tea then dilute it with some water as per your own taste. 

When I am busy in the kitchen, I repeat this process a couple more times with hotter and hotter water but not quite a boil. This saves me time during the week when I want a quick batch of mint tea.


Since there is always a little that won't fit, I add ice and a bit of stevia and enjoy the extra. 

By the way, I just love these glasses. Expensive, however my arthritic hands can easily wrap around the indented center of the glass. The lid is just okay. It works well to cover the contents in the refrigerator but I still have to shake it over the sink because it leaks.