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Friday, January 1, 2016

How to STORE Sweet Potatoes


How to STORE Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes can be "cured" to last longer. Here's how:
  1. Harvest and gently wipe off soil with a dry cloth. Do not damage the skins.
  2. Lay unwashed sweet potatoes on a dry surface located in the shade in an area that rain cannot reach. Temperature must be at least 60ºF, preferably 85ºF, have air movement, and high (85-90%) humidity. Cure for 4-7 days. We cure ours under cover of our lanai on cardboard with our outdoor fan running.
  3. To store, move them to a cool spot but NOT the refrigerator. Optimum is 60ºF with high humidity. We just store ours on the counter in a bowl or in storage crates that have openings on all sides for circulation. Our home's air-conditioned is set to 82ºF. At worse, some of our potatoes start to send out slips. We use those first and eat or plant the slips.
  4. Prefer not to cure your sweet potatoes? For the most part, we don't. They might accidentally cure waiting on the counter until we can get to eat them all, but often we pick and eat the same day since we can usually escape frost by bringing our pots indoors.
  5. Wash before cooking.
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