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Friday, July 17, 2015

July 17 2015 Newsletter

Changes to Cholesterol and Dietary Fat Guidelines
While this includes information in addition to veggies, fruits, and grains, it is highly informative to people interested in their food intake. Now they advise us to:
  • Reduce refined grains
  • Reduce added sugars
  • Not limit to dietary fats
  • Changes in dietary cholesterol limits

Member Garden

Member Garden: Mushrooms

Paul and Vicki Williams' mushroom garden.

Lemon Tree

How to save your lemon tree from gall wasps
The danger: Citrus gall wasp not only reduces fruit production, it also causes a slow decline of the tree’s health, eventually killing it. When the wasps emerge from the galls they will reinfect the host tree and infect other trees in the area.
Control methods: Monitor your citrus trees for signs of infestation between June and September when galls are at their largest and most visible. Prune active galls as they appear. Remove all gall material by late August before the wasps hatch. Do not put affected branches into green bins — put in waste bins double bagged and sealed.
Pruning technique: Prune below the infected area. If your tree is heavily infected, you may not get fruit for two years.
abbreviated text by: CHRISTOPHER GILLETT
From: Sunday Herald Sun
More details on care are here: saveourcitrusinfo.org

Winter Garden Planning

Planning your fall/winter garden?

This chart is abbreviated from the UF/IFAS publication located here: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/vh021

PLANTING in the GROUND dates are listed below. Transplants can be started sooner and then set out on these dates. Items that transplant EASILY include most of the cabbage family that are not roots or stems, eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes. We will start tomato and pepper seed this week to be transplanted in late August.

Garden Problems

Clean nails after a garden workout
What are your solutions?
Here are our two solutions based on spending way too much money on nail brushes and nail scrapers:
  1. Use a garden sprayer like a mini power washer and blast the dirt out.
  2. Use a thin, wet dish cloth to scrape the dirt out.  This works best after washing dishes or being in the shower after hands are soaking wet.

Youth Chefs ages 9-17

Calling All Kid Chefs

"My name is Donald Adler and I am a casting assistant for Chopped, Food Network’s exciting culinary reality series. We are currently casting for kid chefs and would like to inform you and your team about our search!

Food Network is looking for the most talented kid chefs around the country who have what it takes to compete on Chopped. We are in search of young culinary masterminds between the ages of 9 and 17 who can take the heat in the kitchen and the competition!

For more information and how to apply, please visit our website at www.JSCasting.com. If you have any questions or require further information, please email us at ChoppedKidsAndTeens@notional.com or feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for your time and assistance.


Donald Adler
Casting Assistant, JS Casting Inc.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

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