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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Egyptian Spinach: packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidents

Egyptian Spinach
Corchorus olitorius)​​
Jute Leaf and Jew's Mallow​
70 days 
12 inch spacing

This super-green has been widely eaten since the time of the pharaohs in the Middle East. It was the "food of kings" packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is related to okra and hibiscus.

Grow this as an annual. Direct sow about 1/4 inch deep May-July. These very tiny seeds are a weird green color so don't be surprised. Space these as close as an inch and grow straight upright stalks, but they would prefer 12 inches between them and to be pinched back to promote branching.

These plants love lots of water, sun, heat, and humidity and grow about 5 feet tall if not pruned. ​The leaves can be harvested any time once established. Plants transplant well. Small yellow flowers precede seed pods.

Leaves are edible raw, cooked, and dried. We enjoy them as a textured addition to our summer salads and use the dried greens to thicken stews, soup, or to make tea.

Egyptian Spinach is frost sensitive.

Molokhia is a type of soup made from Egyptian Spinach. Many recipes are available online.