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Monday, September 19, 2011

Grow your own food class at Heartland Gardens Part 3

The topic at class this week was Florida seasons, fall planting, sheet mulching, and planting the seedlings.

The seasons are considered fall, winter, and summer. We are in zone 9b or 10. Fall is considered September to frost, winter January or last frost and summer would be considered the recovery season. If you were to plant alfalfa or corn in the summer you would have green matter for sheet mulching.

Sheet mulching is: greater plant and soil health for less work. This is a concept known as agro forestry. As we have all seen in the forestry the decaying tree and plants make great soil. Sheet mulching mimics the forest floor and makes viable soil quickly. This is done by placing well water cardboard over mowed grass, then layering green matter (seed free grasses), brown matter (dried leaves, newspaper and cured compost). After the cardboard just keep laying matter, water each layer well until no more but be sure to end with the brown matter. Agroforestry.net is the web sight to read more.

The "Blue Plant It's" planted our zucchini seedlings and checked to see that our chard plants were sprouting.

by Donna Thorp