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Sunday, March 25, 2018

What happens to my $10 class fee?

What happens to my $10 class fee?

Nope. That's not me above, but we caught your eye. 

A $10 class fee allows the non-profit Grow A Gardener, Inc. (GAG) to educate youth on growing food.

Here is where that money goes:

GOVERNMENT: Any non-profit has the unavoidable $61.24 annual report fee that increases "about" $1 per year.

INSURANCE: Home insurance does not cover "multiple visitors" (yup call your insurance agent). Workshop insurance at the home garden can run anywhere from $10 to $120 per day even if paid in advance.

ROOM RENTALS: Even non-profits have to pay a minimum of $25 per hour to rent a classroom room.

SCHOLARSHIPS: The admission charge allows those adults that cannot afford the workshop to attend without a fee.

I, Karen Harty, executive director of GAG, thank everyone that has supported our cause of educating young people on the art of growing food.