If you give a kid a ride in a tractor,
Every time you go to the field,
He will be standing at the end of the row,
Waving both arms to get your attention.
Then he will probably want to look in your snack cooler and
Devour the peanut butter crackers and Coca-Colas.
If you give a kid a ride in a tractor,
His Mama will send him a blanket,
Knowing he will be sound asleep by the fourth round.
Then he will wake up
To spend an afternoon looking out the back window.
If you give a kid a ride in a tractor,
He will think you are the coolest person in the world
As you lift and set the planter.
Then he will want to help you
Find the seeds in the dirt behind the planter.
If you give a kid a ride in a tractor,
He will want to move over to the combine
During the corn harvest.
Then he will be an expert
By the time the soybeans are ready.
If you give a kid a ride in a tractor,
He will be watching for rabbits, birds and mice in the field.
Then he will want to get out
And spray paint your numbers on the cotton modules.
If you give a kid a ride on a tractor,
One day you’ll let him drive.
Then he will want his own land
To farm and care for with blood, sweat and tears.
If you give a kid a ride on a tractor,
One day, on his own farm,
There will be a kid waiting on the turnrow.
Then he will stop the tractor
And help her up the steps.
If you give a kid a ride on a tractor,
She will want another ride.
Then she will ask too many questions
As her puppy chews your boot every time you press the clutch.
If you give a kid a ride on a tractor,
She might want to be a farmer too.
Years ago, that kid was me
And it all started with a ride on a tractor.