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Sunday, December 17, 2017

Cabbage: an easy crop


The cabbage was grown from seed planted directly in the garden. They were moved a bit for spacing sake after they were a month or so old. First cabbage heads harvested today. They were cut from the plant a bit high so that the baby cabbages will form as a second crop; see photo above. Cabbage heads are ready to harvest when you squeeze them and they feel very firm. The cut cabbage photo shows what a firm cabbage looks like on the inside. One of my favorite ways to cook cabbage is in the crock pot. Add a bit of water and stir often. When the cabbage reduces add some bacon fat if you have it. Then let it cook some more until very, tender. I love this with vinegar and salt. 

Growing cabbage
Direct sow in garden. Move 4-6 week old plants so that they are spaced to accommodate the size of the plant. Reference the seed packet for this information. When transplanting, make sure to put LOTS of water in the new hole and water afterwards. Transplants can be placed as deep as their seed leaves (not true leaves). Best time to transplant is on a cloudy day if you can. 

Main issues with cabbages are caterpillars. Hand pick and destroy or use Bt / bacillus thuringiensis which is available at most big box stores. Look for the caterpillar on the label.