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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Pickling Melon is just as fine as Seminole Pumpkin


Pickling Melon. 

My seed saver melon just keeps growing. I will have seeds available shortly which will include a mix from several gorgeous melons. This one fruit keeps me mesmerized though. 

This plant is similar to Seminole pumpkin. It definitely gets disease and insects but manages to pull through, grow more beautiful vines and produce fruit anyway. A few seeds planted and we have been overwhelmed with melons that we use as cucumbers. No sprays required but I do spray if I am in the area. 

Pickling melon is a crunchy alternative to cucumbers, they pickle VERY well and make great cucumber salad recipe substitutions.

Seeds will be available on eBay shortly so check here. I LOVE THIS PLANT.