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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Old Feet in the Garden: A Short Story

Once upon a time, I simply went barefoot in the garden. As I aged, the bottoms of my feet started to get rough. So I got myself garden clogs. It took a bit for me to get used to them but they really solved a problem. I bought the most colorful pair I could find so that if I slipped them off and forgot where, I would see them with ease.

But my toenails got dirt under the nails even though I rinsed out the clogs. Then came the "clog socks" which are socks that just cover the front of your foot. However they didn't stay put and my heels started to crack.

Next came the "no show" socks that DO show when you wear clogs. White to start, but no amount of bleach would keep them white so they were replaced with black.

Age attacked my heels and they started to crack again even with the socks. Creams, lotions, and moisturizing sticks are now applied before putting on the black socks then the clogs.

Then I sprained my ankle. Then came boots to temporarily replace clogs when ever my ankle pains me or working in muddy places.

For those of you who see me in the garden, this is why I wear what I wear.