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Monday, May 22, 2017

Pee your Plants


Below are highlights of my research on why to "Pee your Plants".

Why to use your own urine on your plants:
  • Urine is FREE
  • Urine can be used fertilizer with an N-P-K of 10-1-4
  • Pharmaceutical contents of your own urine are known

 How to use urine on your plants:
  • Collect with a bucket in the shower, emptied daily
  • Dilute urine with 5-20 parts water to use as fertilizer
  • Fertilize the soil, not the plant
  • Kill weeds (and plants) with 100% concentration
  • Pour undiluted into compost pile to aid in breakdown

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Rodale's Organic Life
How To Use Your Pee For The Planet: Discover the incredible benefit of this free resource

Scientific American
Gee Whiz: Human Urine Is Shown to Be an Effective Agricultural Fertilizer

National Geographic
Human Pee With Ash Is a Natural Fertilizer, Study Says.

Mother Earth News
You Can Compost Human Waste!