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Monday, February 6, 2017

Strawberries in February

I have only had mild success with planting strawberries in the fall. The mailorder plants cost so darn much and they just don't like growing in our hot and humid fall weather. So this is my plan B.

This is just one pot of several pots of strawberries I have growing. The plants were found at Lehigh Acres Walmart on January 2nd 2017. A 10-pack of strawberries for $2.50. I mark my electronic calendar to check out Yukon Gold potato tubers and June Bearing strawberry plants on this day. Yes. It makes a difference if you wait a week to buy them. Every minute counts! The second set I bought, I lost four plants. First set, zero plants.

Now, just over a month after planting, they are beginning to bloom!
I am trying the big box store's varieties even though they are not recommended for Florida. They are however, a June bearing plant and hopefully will be able to harvest before it gets too hot. 

Make sure to plant strawberries correctly, not too deep, not too high. Here is a great picture to show you how to plant. https://i2.wp.com/bonnieplants.com/wp-content/uploads/strawberry-plant-Illustration-web.jpg?ssl=1 Just cover the roots. 

What I did: Four plants to a 7-gallon pot using recycled soil plus composted rabbit manure and some 10-10-10 slow release mixed in. Fertilize monthly. These have been babied and hand watered, but will be moved to the garden on drip as soon as I have my husband's strong back to assist me. In addition, the plan is to add something to lift the berries off the soil. Too many soil critters love strawberries too. No insect or disease issues yet but I am watching.

Difference between June Bearing and Everbearing: 

June Bearing provides a lot of fruit all in a short period of time. Perfect for having lots of fruit before it gets too hot and humid! June Bearers also have a lot of runners. I snip these off so the plant concentrates on making lots of fruit, not babies. 

Everbearing provides fruit over a long, extended period of time. The harvests are smaller but last over a longer period of time.

More on growing strawberries as it unfolds.