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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Organic management of vegetable diseases.

Gene McAvoy sent this UF/IFAS document link, http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/pp170. I just loved the list below.
Management practices for disease control in organic vegetables.
Avoid field operations when leaves are wet.
Encourage air movement.
Use reflective mulch.
Avoid overhead irrigation.
Employ soil organic amendments.
Reduce mechanical injury.
Change planting date from spring to fall.
Apply insecticidal or horticultural oils.
Rogue diseased plants/fruit.
Change planting date within a season.
Control soil pH.
Use row covers.
Cover cropping with an antagonist.
Plant in well drained soil.
Use soil solarization.
Rotate with non-host crop (2-3 years).
Plant on raised beds.
Use pathogen-free planting material.
Deep plowing.
Use plastic mulch bed covers.
Use disease-resistant varieties.
Immediately destroy crop residue.
Employ postharvest temperature control.
Destroy volunteer plants.