By Kurt Stüber [1] [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)
I purchased these on eBay since all other sources state Fall shipping. Here is what a seed company states about them:
(Allium cepa var. proliferum) Grows well all through North America. The onion to plant if you always want onions. Egyptian Walking Onions grow perennially in beds. The hardy bulbs set bulblets on stalks. Air-bound bulblets will sprout new smaller stalks, which fall over and replant themselves, hence the name Walking. Bulbs can be harvested over the fall and winter. Green onions can be harvested selectively as they grow. Plant them where you intend to have them for a long time, as they are quite hardy. They tend not to yield very much the first year, but after that they will keep you supplied with onions.
Cornell University states that it works for up to zone 9 which is perfect, if it is true. Mother Earth News states: "In hotter climates they may form a dormant bulb during the hottest part of the summer."
I will keep you posted if they survive our summer.
(Allium cepa var. proliferum) Grows well all through North America. The onion to plant if you always want onions. Egyptian Walking Onions grow perennially in beds. The hardy bulbs set bulblets on stalks. Air-bound bulblets will sprout new smaller stalks, which fall over and replant themselves, hence the name Walking. Bulbs can be harvested over the fall and winter. Green onions can be harvested selectively as they grow. Plant them where you intend to have them for a long time, as they are quite hardy. They tend not to yield very much the first year, but after that they will keep you supplied with onions.
Cornell University states that it works for up to zone 9 which is perfect, if it is true. Mother Earth News states: "In hotter climates they may form a dormant bulb during the hottest part of the summer."
I will keep you posted if they survive our summer.