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Friday, April 8, 2016

In the garden this week April 8, 2016

I was asked to list what we do, week by week, in this newsletter. So here it is.

Please note: we only grow what we will eat. No need to grow something neither of us will eat.

*Soil amended with rabbit manure
** Soil amended with fertilizers
All are rotated crops.

  • Removed bed of failed onions and planted Egyptian spinach from my own seed saving*
  • Removed bed of gone-by broccoli and planted New Kuroda carrots (summer carrots)*
  • Removed bed of gone-by broccoli and planted bush okra*
  • Removed Irish potatoes from pots, added a bit of lime to soil (pH was low to grow Irish potatoes) and resused soil to plant tropical pumpkin seeds, seminole pumpkin seeds, yard long bean seeds, winged bean seeds, and titume squash seeds in POTS*  **
  • Removed sweet potatoes (because we needed sweet potatoes, not because they needed to be removed) and gone-by tomatoes in pots and reused soil to plant jamaican burr cucumber, bunching onions, pickling melon, and titume squash*  **
  • Purchased mints and stevia and planted into 7 gallon pots**
  • Started another full tray of everglades tomatoes from my own seed saving**
  • Started 3/4 tray of summer crops seeds**
  • Started microgreens**
  • Weeded and watered daily
  • Fertilized pots: slow release 10-10-10, 1 Tablespoon per 7 gallon, 2 Tablespoons for 15 gallon (Bob sells this and will deliver, mention 4-H, 239.368.3106)
  • Harvested cabbage, sweet potatoes, carrots, last of kohlrabi, jalapenos, broccoli, tomatoes, loquats, tropical greens (many kinds), parsley, purslane, mints, New Zealand spinach, daikon radishes, strawberries, cauliflower