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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hawaiian Anahu Tomato


Hawaiian Anahu Tomato: resistant to RKN, F, low nitrogen situations, TMV and MORE

We are going to try these Anahu tomatoes. Things we LOVED reading about this tomato are highlighted in GREEN below.

Why we want to try them:

An interesting example of a Hawaii heirloom is the 'Anahu' tomato.... Developed in the 1950s from a cross between a wild tomato species and a cultivated tomato, 'Anahu' has tolerance or resistance to many pests and low nitrogen conditions. 'Anahu' continues to be used as a parent in tomato breeding programs worldwide.

Days: 78
Size: Determinate
Color: Red
Season: Mid Season
Type: Open-Pollinated

This is a very productive determinate variety that produces 5-8 oz., round, uniform ripening, red fruit with very sweet flavors. A good choice for hot & humid climates. Resistant to the common root knot nematode, fusarium wilt, gray leaf spot and one strain of spotted wilt virus. It is also tolerant to tobacco mosaic virus.

...famous tomato for its resistance to root knot nematode. ...the University of Arkansas’s extension service recommends it as one of the tomatoes that can resist those nasty little nematodes... It is a nice salad sized tomato that is quite productive and flavorful and often succeeds where most others fail.

Five tomato lines selected for resistance to the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, were studied to characterize the nature of their resistance. ...moderately resistant ‘Anahu’ ... tested by 3 different procedures to define the nature of resistance.