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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Two plants every FL gardener should be growing this Fall

Gardening 101


Two plants every FL gardener should be growing this Fall

Cabbage and Broccoli

MULTIPLE harvests from both.

BROCCOLI. Certain broccoli, such as Green Sprouting Calabrese, have a small central head but then follow up with absolutely TONS of little heads. So much that one large head is nothing in comparison to the yield of the entire plant over a period of time.

CABBAGE. All cabbage, can be carefully harvested so that the base of the plant remains intact and starts a new generation of cabbages from the stalk. At least three but generally four to five mini cabbage heads can follow the first main head and can get to the size of a soft ball.

In general, below are common issues growing the cabbage family.
Need: Nutrients in the soil (compost) or applied to the soil (fertilizer), hand picking of caterpillars or spraying them with Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) an organic caterpillar control.