Frost forecast: WHAT YOU CAN DO
- Harvest tender plants.
- Water the plants thoroughly during the day so the sun can warm the water and soil.
- Turn on drip irrigation and leave it on while near freezing temperatures. The ground water is warm.
- Place inverted buckets, boxes, pots, or canning jars over smaller plants.
- Put clear, filled, water containers out in the sun during the day and move them near your plants at night to radiate heat.
- Use FABRIC covers. They must touch the soil so they "trap" the heat from the soil. It helps using a frame under fabric covers so the leaves do not touch the cloth.
- Move potted plants inside the garage or next to the house that are frost tender. Your house emits heat.
- Cover seedlings with thick layers of newspaper or mulch.
- Wrap tender tree trunks using towels, blankets, rags, or pipe insulation. Clothespins work great at holding them on.
- Wrap incandescent outdoor Christmas lights on trees. Use proper precaution with using OUTDOOR extension cords/lights and don't string any more than the manufacturer recommends.
- Remove covers every morning.