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Saturday, December 13, 2014

How to grow Peaches in SW Florida.

How to grow Peaches in SW Florida.

  • Peaches like a pH of 6.5. Lee County Extension office does FREE pH testing once a week. 
  • Plant in an area that water does not sit. 
  • Purchase a low chill variety (low chill = hours required below 45ยบ). 
  • Know the type of peach you like (juicy versus firm).
  • Protect them from freezes after flowering. 
  • Fertilize with 12-4-8  plus Zinc.
  • Thin fruit so that there is at least 6” between each fruit before the pit hardens. 
  • Pruning is very important: Prune tree to keep at 8’ high. Prune out twigs that have no leaves and dead wood. Prune to allow light on all the leaves in an “Open Vase” style. Prune in summer and thin in winter after bloom. 
  • As home gardeners, our only disease control is using sulfur spray. Do not use copper fungicide. 
  • As home gardeners, our pest control for sucking insects is liquid dish soap and horticultural oil. 
  • For more reading go to http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/topic_nectarine_see_peaches