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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Heirloom Tomatoes for SW Florida

Earlier this month, Dr. Monica Ozores-Hampton spoke to us on heirloom tomatoes.

Monica has done heirloom variety testing in South Florida. She recommends for us: Pruden's Purple, Cherokee Purple, Striped German, Brandywine, (Jaune) Flamme, Green Zebra, Amana Orange, and Big Zebra.

If she HAD to choose a favorite, it would be Cherokee Purple for its good-looking, EXTRA large tomatoes.

Monica also discussed Graywall (Blotchy Ripening). Here is a blurb on it from the UF/IFAS Publication #HS954:

Internally graywall is characterized by dark necrotic (death of cells or tissues through injury or disease) areas usually in the vascular tissue (a specialized conducting system) of the outer walls. The necrosis is sometimes present in the cross-walls and very infrequently in the center pith area of the fruit. Outward symptoms show up as grayish appearance caused by partial collapse of the wall tissue; hence the term graywall. It typically develops on green fruit prior to harvest but can develop later. Fruits affected are typically not marketable due to blotchy appearance as fruit ripens. Cause is not completely understood. There are variety differences in susceptibility. Graywall is more of a problem during cool and short days. High N may increase the problem and adequate K (Potassium) may reduce the problem. (Monica noted that the plant needed MORE Potassium than Nitrogen for fruit.)

Monica noted that she personally grows heirlooms in a greenhouse, in a one gallon pot, using 20-20-20 fertilizer.

Here is the link to Monica's document: "Growing Heirloom Tomato Varieties in SW Florida" that she handed out: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs174

This document lists the websites to obtain heirloom tomato seeds. Her personal favorite site is www.tomatofest.com.