- Caused by the fungus Elsinoe fawcettii
- Found on fruit, leaves and twigs
- Deforms leaves
- Wart like symptoms
- Light tan in color
- Affects grapefruit, Temples, Murcotts, tangelos, and some other tangerine hybrids
- http://www.crec.ifas.ufl.edu/extension/canker/mistaken.shtml
- If leaves from the previous season are heavily infected by citrus scab, 3 applications of Copper Fungicide
should be scheduled to control this disease. The first spray should be applied at about 1/4 expansion of the spring flush leaves, the second at petal fall, and the third about 3 weeks later. Fruit becomes resistant to scab about 2-3 months after petal fall. On tangelos and Murcott, Alternaria brown spot and scab occur together.
- http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs141
- Temple orange most susceptable
- Spray new leaves
- Fruit sometimes stays green
- Peel can overgrow scab
- Mongi Zekri Ph.d UF/IFAS 5-County Agent
- [Depending on spore variety, they are] spread by splashing rain and perish as soon as they dry, or they remain viable for a short time and are dispersed by wind for short distances
- http://idtools.org/id/citrus/diseases/factsheet.php?name=Citrus+scab
Citrus Scab Disease on Fruit
Raised scab lesions on mature Temple fruit.
Raised scab pustules on young grapefruit.
Flatter scab lesions on mature grapefruit.
Citrus Scab Disease on Leaves
Raised conical lesions of citrus scab on grapefruit leaves with conical depressions on the opposite side.
Tangerine leaf severely affected by scab.