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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Malabar Spinach

Malabar Spinach
(Basella alba and Basella rubra)
aka Indian spinach, basella, vine spinach

90 days

Malabar spinach is a thick-leaved vine that loves heat (90+ degrees to be exact), lots of sun and water, ignores humidity, but will tolerate some shade. It
grows in cooler weather but not as rapidly as when it is HOT. Seeds germinate in temperatures above 65 degrees. If you wish to speed up germination, scarify seeds with a nail file. Space plants about 12 inches apart. Start harvesting vines when they are about 3 foot long. Cut the vine off about a foot from the ground and it regrows even thicker. Vines can grow over 10 feet if they are happy so they require support.

Malabar leaves are mild in flavor and can be used both raw and cooked. When cooked, the leaf falls apart so use them diced in soups, sauces, and stews. Use a leaf or two on top of your burgers or in a summer salad.

Malabar is very frost sensitive so replant after frost season has passed, allow plants to self-sow, or take cuttings and replant when warmer.

Malabar has both red and green stem varieties. The red has purple-red stems with green leaves. The green variety has glossy, meaty leaves.