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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Recipe: SALSA.

Must needed to start this recipe: tomatoes that you don't know what to do with, at least one onion, and at least one hot pepper. That is it!

Add whatever the garden gives you: sweet bell peppers, tomatillos, citrus juice, cilantro/parsley/moringa, cumin, more jalapenos, or whatever! --Remove hot pepper seeds to reduce HEAT.--

Slice, or dice, or squish it all together, add salt to taste, and you are done.

My body can no longer do raw bell peppers or onion without everyone evacuating the building so I cook the onion and pepper until they are translucent then just tossed everything into the pot at the end of cooking and allowed the tomatoes to "melt". Even the warm, leftover liquid tasted better than any V-8 I have ever had.